Sunday, June 26, 2011


I've always wanted to try the bohemian headband look and thought a braided headband + a maxi dress would be the perfect recipe for my sunny Sunday.

My new face necklace-gifted from my sister for my birthday~
Ya dig?

<3 Mijster

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Family and Father's Day.

The Lee family father's day- courtesy of my sister's Daily Snails
While my father was busy bbq-ing...the rest of us played around and had a mini photoshoot in the kitchen.

My seesters
Toby and Sammy
Spectacles and silly faces
My momma

The Lee fam girls.

I hope everyone had a blessed and happy father's day.

<3 Mijster

Monday, June 13, 2011


Another year older....hopefully makes me another year wiser. 

Dinner @ Lala's Argentinian Restaurant
The girls.
My fellow blogger and partner in crime~

Because, what's a birthday without cupcakes?

<3 Mijster