Thursday, January 20, 2011


Every so often my inner Martha Stewart will surface and I'll opt to spend a night in and put together...a collage. Although it may not be as entertaining as my other nights out, sometimes it's nice to trade in my heels and juicy juice for a pair of sweats, a glue gun and a night in. 

 My most recent creations have been for my sisters :)

I think my favorite part is finding cute little gadgets to add on at the end. This one was a tribute to our trip to New York -hence the itty bitty broadway pamphlet :)
 Here's a little looksy at some of my past projects :)

For my gma~
For my snookies~
For my sister~
And this is where it all started. 4 years ago in my old apartment in Irvine. (Please excuse the red hot sweat pants and argyle socks)

That's all for now! 
Can you believe it's almost the weekend?

<3 Mijster


  1. cute! i like the red hot pants and angle socks...can you rock those when we grab coffee =) miss you lots <3

  2. you're gonna be a brownie troop leader, I KNOW IT!!!
